Friday, May 8

rebel rebel, your face is a mess

We're here in Judge HQ, listening to David Bowie, as you do. Loving on the David Bowies today, by the way. One Bowie transformed in front of our very eyes. That was cool to watch. One David Bowie was dressed entirely in silver, including silver high-heeled boots. David Bowie himself has never looked so good.

I loved the go-go dancers at 58th and Ellis today! I have been dreaming of this item for probably five years now, so to actually see it realized is so fulfilling. Plus, some of you lot can dance! I am jealous of your moves. I can't wait to see the rest of the go-go dancers tomorrow. If I had it my way, the List would consist of 300 interpretive dance items. But I guess that's why I am not the only judge.

I also today enjoyed seeing an uncanny number of people walking around with hickeys. Sadly, we can't all get points for this effort. But we can all look like sluts.

Finally, a quote from HJ Emily, not about Scav. (Isn't it bizarre to imagine us discussing anything other that Scav?) We were talking about Lindsay Lohan, and I said, "She used to be so pretty, with her red hair and big boobs, but now that's all gone. Plus, I've seen so many pictures of her cooch in magazines that I'm just not impressed any more." To which HJE wisely agreed, "Why buy the cow when you can get photos of the milk for free?"

This is something all Scavvies can stand to remember before getting naked for items.

Judge Leila

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